Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14 NKJV)

Alicia J. Armstrong is a Christian, a service member, and a therapist student. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems from Fayetteville State University, and is actively pursuing a Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy.

Never did she expect to work in the therapy field, but once her faith and prayer life elevated, it was no doubt that this is what she was created to do. 

What started out as a vision is now manifesting right before her own eyes. 

“God is always faithful to His Word. Trust the process and keep the faith.”

I went to church every Sunday and Bible Study every Wednesday ever since I was a little girl. I know church etiquette, church lingo, and unfortunately church hurt. I would often have visions and literally play them out by myself as if people were actually around (I know it sounds crazy). Each vision had the same concept, I am a motivational speaker standing on the pulpit talking to the masses about my life experiences and what I learned from it to have a better relationship and marriage. Keep in mind that during these visions, I am single with no prospect of getting married. I always pushed the thoughts away and continued living life.

“Do it SCARED!”

It wasn’t until I surrendered all to God that my purpose and calling began to become more clearer. Becoming a licensed therapist will allow me to help those individuals who may suffer from family violence and abuse, couples who are battling infidelity and sex addiction, and groups of people experiencing issues related to power and privilege as they relate to culture, ethnicity, and spirituality.

My intent is to not only help those in need but to also show the church how much therapy is needed in our community and that God is in therapy.

~ Alicia J. Armstrong


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